Tuesday 26 October 2010

Meeting 24/10/2010 posted by Luke

Just an update of things. We all met up in Tower Bar and discussed the layout of the website that Lisa came up with. We all agreed with the layout and suggested a few things that would make it stand out a little more. For example Elliot mentioned that we should have a glowing around the selected page link so the visitor will know where they are a bit clearer. Just something to make it look a little more presentable. I then suggested that we should have a section for video and photos to be uploaded so that the audience will look at what it is like and possibly make the decision to attend.

We then had a discussion about the budgeting for our project which we all knew was the most important element of all. We made a list of the sorts of things that we will need to look into to make a hypothetical budget so we have something to show for the potential sponsors. We agreed that we need to look at the following:

- Prices for venue
- Car park, catering and accommodation prices
- Security
- Volunteers and how we would be able to get them (possibly universities?)

Lisa and Elliot are going to London to visit the venue for our project ,the Business and Design Centre, on Thursday where they can meet the manager of the venue to discuss the prices for the renting of the rooms, security, catering, equipment and people to set up the equipment for the day.

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