Tuesday 26 October 2010

Library meeting (today)

Today, Elliot, Adam and myself all met in the library to discuss how things are going with this project and what individual jobs we would be able to do. We eventually came to an agreement that Elliot would look into producing an offline working prototype of the website, research how to fund the website should it go online and help Lisa look into the cost of the venue renting (when they both go to London to meet the manager of the venue). I would be looking into researching security, getting contacts for more possible sponsors and Adam would be researching costs of t-shirt printing and work out what sort of benefits volunteers would get from helping with the event. We also mentioned a job that Lisa could possibly do which would be to perhaps produce a typography-style advert for the event.

Also, there is a Media Festival taking place in Manchester in November that would be of great benefit for our project and for our future careers! However, even with the reductions from £750 to £100, the cost would still be too much for our personal budgets and so we went to speak to Sarah Barrow (head of school) to negotiate if she would perhaps subsidise the cost by 25%.

We are yet to receive a reply from her so fingers crossed!

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