Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Website...

Okay, so the website was bothering me slightly.

One because they very sneakily charged us £50+ for it, and secondly because it's...rubbish. It's pixelated all of my hard work and it just makes it look cheap and nasty.

Now, if its going to do that - I thought, why not use a free site? Okay, so it's full of adverts, but it may give us the chance to show someone what we actually WANT our site to look like in hypothetical terms, and then if the idea can be commissioned we could get this loaded to our now domain name of:

So, for now...take a look at this: The NEW Talent & Technology Website

It's a better design, and without the adverts of wix I think it looks quite good as an actual website. What do you guys think?

Now for our R&D File, we also decided that we wanted a Production Company Name & Logo.

So, we are...
NU Media Talent Productions

Production File coming along quite nicely now, it'd be good to have a bit of sleep but y'know! Presentation practise tomorrow, so hopefully it'll be good!

Lisa x

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